Whistleblowers, Borders, and Backpage

Join James Just and Jason McPhee for a libertarian perspective on the latest news and issues. In this episode, they debate the fate of whistleblowers who expose government secrets, the contradictions of Biden’s border and immigration policies, the civil liberties violations of the FBI’s raids on safe deposit boxes, the free speech implications of the Backpage trial, the reasons why people and businesses are leaving California, the effectiveness and costs of lockdown measures, and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the US role in it. Don’t miss this lively and informative discussion

Libertarian Counterpoint 1694.

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How Journalism and Governance Fail Us

In this episode of Libertarian Counterpoint, James Just and John Cameron discuss the crisis in journalism and governance, and how it affects the liberty and prosperity of the people. They examine the recent layoffs at the Los Angeles Times, the decline of union membership in New York, and the role of alternative media in exposing the truth. They also explore the potential of Robert F Kennedy Jr. as a libertarian presidential candidate, the lessons from Javier Milei’s success in Argentina, and the dangers of faked intelligence and political manipulation. Finally, they analyze the impact of COVID absenteeism on the education system, the failure of Trump to reduce the national debt, and the unfair burden on electric vehicle owners in London.

Libertarian Counterpoint 1693 (Live): 2/1/2024

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California’s Economic and Cultural Collapse: Who’s to Blame?

In this episode of Libertarian Counterpoint, James Just and Jason McPhee discuss the latest news and events that affect the freedom and prosperity of Californians. They analyze the root causes and consequences of California’s problems, such as homelessness, crime, taxes, measles, and airline bankruptcy. Tune in to hear their insightful and provocative commentary on the issues that matter.

Libertarian Counterpoint 1962

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The California Infection Spreads

Hosts James Just and Jason McPhee discuss the latest news and events from a libertarian perspective, challenging the status quo and exposing the flaws of big government.

In this episode, they tackle the main theme of how the California infection spreads, as President Biden adopts another disastrous policy from the Golden State: the PRO Act, which would undermine the rights and freedoms of independent contractors and gig workers. They also examine how California businesses are struggling to cope with the $20-an-hour fast-food wage, which has led to reduced hours, eliminated benefits, and increased prices for consumers.

Libertarian Counterpoint 1691

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Your Rights Against the State, the DNC, the Unions, and Media

In this episode of Libertarian Counterpoint, James Just, John Cameron, and Richard Fields discuss the following topics:

  • How state governments are violating the rights of their citizens in various areas, such as voting, guns, abortion, speech, and privacy, and why we need to resist their tyranny.
  • How the DNC is trying to manipulate the primary process by pressuring New Hampshire democrats to change their primary date, and why this shows the corruption and hypocrisy of the Democratic Party.
  • How big labor unions are lying to their members and the public about their political activities, and why we need to end the practice of forced union dues and support workers’ freedom of choice.
  • How the mainstream media is fueling the outrage culture and polarizing the society, and why we need to be more skeptical and critical of their biased narratives and agendas.
  • How the horseshoe theory of politics explains the similarities between the far-left and the far-right, and why we need to reject both extremes and embrace the libertarian principles of individual liberty and limited government.

Libertarian Counterpoint 1690

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