executive orders

The California Infection Spreads

Hosts James Just and Jason McPhee discuss the latest news and events from a libertarian perspective, challenging the status quo and exposing the flaws of big government.

In this episode, they tackle the main theme of how the California infection spreads, as President Biden adopts another disastrous policy from the Golden State: the PRO Act, which would undermine the rights and freedoms of independent contractors and gig workers. They also examine how California businesses are struggling to cope with the $20-an-hour fast-food wage, which has led to reduced hours, eliminated benefits, and increased prices for consumers.

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Executive power or Authoritarianism

Join James Just and Leon Brathwaite as they discuss the latest issues from a libertarian perspective. In this episode, they explore the following topics:

Executive power or Authoritarianism: How President Biden is using executive orders to bypass Congress and implement his agenda, such as creating a Climate Corps and banning fossil fuel leases on federal lands. What are the implications of this unilateral approach for democracy and the rule of law?

Public Health Emergency as a Rational to Suspend Constitutional Rights: How some states and local governments are using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to impose draconian restrictions on civil liberties, such as mandatory vaccinations, mask mandates, lockdowns, and curfews. How can citizens resist these infringements on their rights and freedoms?

Topic Tornado: A rapid-fire round of commentary on various issues, such as the decline of public education in America, the mental health crisis among young people, the disconnect between teachers and students in online learning, and the hypocrisy of a teachers union leader who sends his son to a private school.

Don’t miss this lively and informative discussion

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Government’s Advance of Dictatorship, Executive Orders, and Democracy

In this episode, we explore the question of what constitutes a dictatorship and how it affects the lives of ordinary people. We examine some of the recent proposals in the California Legislature that would undermine transparency and accountability in government, such as limiting public access to records, restricting oversight of police misconduct, and shielding lawmakers from ethics investigations. We also discuss how California is set to criminalize passionate parents who voice their concerns at school board meetings, violating their First Amendment rights and silencing dissent.

We also look at the rise of executive orders at all levels of government, which bypass the legislative process and impose unilateral decisions on the public. We analyze how executive orders can be abused to advance political agendas, undermine the rule of law, and infringe on individual liberties. We also hear from a guest speaker from the fields, who shares his perspective on how climate change and uranium mining affect his livelihood and environment.

Finally, we spin the topic tornado and touch on some of the hot issues of the day, such as the controversial statement by a Nobel Prize winning scientist who denies the existence of a climate crisis, the lawsuit by California doctors who challenge the mandatory implicit bias training imposed by the medical board, and the hidden costs of charging an electric vehicle that nobody is talking about.

Join us for this lively and informative discussion on Libertarian Counterpoint, where we challenge the status quo and expose the truth behind the headlines

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